Rescue PHOTO turns your phone/tablet into a webcam for any web browser | ||
Rescue PHOTO |
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Can insert blocks Adsense Google Old smartphone 2-3-4 years pass and your smartphone becomes outdated. The battery quickly "runs out", the performance starts to "want the best" against the background of your friends' smartphones, and the new software no longer wants to work with your version of Android. But the apparatus is still functioning! At best, it sells for a song. And if it has a shabby appearance, then more often than not, it is put on the table "just in case", to which it never comes. But such a phone can be easily turned into a monitoring system for a summer cottage, office, apartment, parking lot or shop. Do it once and then only look after your property from any part of the planet.
START - start or stop a photo session. At the 8th second, an image should appear. |FRONT CAM| and |REAR CAM| - choosing a camera for shooting. |DARK| - maximum screen dimming to save its resource and energy saving. |FTP SETTING >>| - application settings page Android freeware
How it works Application Rescue PHOTO takes photos at a specified time interval and uploads them to YOUR web hosting via FTP. Using a dedicated web page, you can view photos from anywhere. And on anything. A special web page in pure HTML or PHP is included in the kit. Hosting? FTP server? If you do not have a web hosting with FTP access, you do not know what it is and why you need it - read on. Some similar applications for Android smartphones require installation of the program on a personal computer from which you will view images. This limits your options. You can only work with the webcam from this computer. In addition, you need to install a third-party application on your computer. This reduces the security of your data. The Rescue PHOTO application uploads images to web hosting using FTP protocol. On the same hosting, you place a web page for viewing images (included in the program package) and you can view photos in any browser - on a computer, tablet or smartphone anywhere in the world. In the example, we use free hosting in Russia with FTP access. Example: http://www.wallst.ru/ - free hosting with PHP and FTP access. You can use any other hosting. The FTP server address, login and password obtained during registration, you will use in the Rescue PHOTO application to connect and upload photos. Webpage photo.htm - - just upload it to the hosting and you will be able to view the photos. Initially, the page is designed for 10 photos, but you can edit it to display any number of images. If you have registered a free website with an address, for example, bestweb.vov.ru, the address of your FTP server will be ftp://bestweb.vov.ru Now you can use any FTP client (for example, Total Commander) to connect to the server, view files, upload or download them. You will see a folder structure similar to this: ![]() There is valuable information here - folder public_html is the "entry point". This value must be recorded in the application on the Setup PAGE page. On other web hosts, the name of this folder may be very different. What is this folder? The application will upload photos to this folder and your web pages will also be there, for example, index.htm or photo.htm . When you enter your website with a browser, you will immediately view this folder - this is a kind of "waterline" that you can look deeper than only with the help of an FTP client. ![]() At the same time, the FTP client almost always "connects" to another folder located higher in the hierarchy of the hosting web server. The Android application "Rescue PHOTO" is also an FTP client, so it initially connects to a different folder than the browser is viewing. On the application settings page Rescue PHOTO you can specify the name of the folder where you want to place photos. Setup PAGE ![]() 10 - the number of photo files on the FTP server 487 - time in seconds until the next snapshot. This is a very important time. If you upload pictures via the mobile Internet, then each photo can "weigh" 500-700 KB and more and can be uploaded from 50 seconds to several minutes. Therefore, it is not worth starting to take the next picture before the download of the previous one is completed. An incompletely loaded snapshot on the preview page will look something like this ![]() õõõõõõ.vov.ru - FTP server address (see below - FTP settings) eoflamerone - set a template for the name of image files. Here it will be - eoflamerone1.jpg, etc. 10 - the number of photo files on the FTP server. In this case, there will be: eoflamerone1.jpg - eoflamerone10.jpg Then they will be overwritten u366027 - login for FTP server. You will have your own one. õõõõõõõ - password for FTP server If you are using the " Rescue PHOTO " application in an office or apartment with fast WiFi, it can take 20-30 seconds to upload photos. Accordingly, it makes sense then to increase the number of photos on the web server to 30-40 (see above). There are two parameters in setup: 7 - time in hours (24-hour format) after which you can start taking pictures (beginning of daylight hours). Here - 7 o'clock in the morning. 20 - time of the end of the photo session (when it gets dark outside). Here - twenty hours - evening. The app was not designed to operate at night using a flash. This would draw unnecessary attention to your system. Therefore, you just have to set the start time of the photo session (now - 7 am) and the end of the session (8 pm - evening). App Rescue PHOTO has many settings. This may seem difficult to some. But we will try to compensate for this complexity with a detailed description and a large number of real examples. For the remaining questions, a guestbook or forum will be added. For simplicity, the application will be published in two versions - vertical-oriented (now) and horizontal-oriented. Separate versions make it easy to create an application that is compatible with different versions of Android. DOWNLOAD >> The initial version of the application available for download is 0.0 This is the first fully functional version for public testing. The program works, you can set the settings, photos are taken and uploaded to the specified FTP server. Anything that was not pleasant or seemed inconvenient will be fixed by the release of the stable version 1.0. The functionality of the " Rescue PHOTO " application can be significantly expanded, but it is not supposed to be done until the first version is released. Write to GUESTBOOK your questions, comments and wishes. Significant changes can be made prior to the 1.0 major release. Now App Rescue PHOTO is tested for Android 10. It's still fresh version, but you can already find cheap ones damaged smartphones with this OS version. And then there will only be more of them. The use of "junk" smartphones solves three fundamental problems: ultra-low cost of building a surveillance system, recycling "junk" equipment, worries about installing "unknown" software on the phone. WEB Cam >> Too DIFFICULT If you have the impression that this is too difficult, then just read the text below. What you have to do: - reset smartphone settings, remove applications and content. This is not difficult. If you are going to sell a smartphone "for a penny", then you should do it anyway, so that your personal data is not out of your control. - install the Rescue PHOTO app on your smartphone. Nothing new if you installed SberBank Online or Whatsapp. A regular APK file. - register a free hosting with FTP access. Just go to http://www.wallst.ru/ and register. You need to specify a name for the website (3rd level domain) and email address. A small guide, login, password and FTP connection parameters will be sent to the mail. If this is difficult for you, then among your acquaintances there are many of those for whom it will not be difficult. - write parameters on the page | Setup PAGE |. Write as shown above and there will be no difficulties. - now it remains to upload to hosting webpage for viewing photos. If you set a template for the name of the photos " pinkerton ", then on the webserver the photos will be named " epinkerton1.jpg ", " epinkerton2.jpg " , " epinkerton3.jpg ", ... They can be viewed without a dedicated web page. Just indicate in the browser the address of your website, the slash and the name of the photo file - for example, http://oflameron.dtn.ru/epinkerton1.jpg If it seemed too difficult, then you can make money on it. The population has a lot of old smartphones and places that need to be monitored for security purposes - shops, parking lots, warehouses, offices, apartments ... Web PAGE There are several options for a web page for viewing photos - an HTML page and a PHP page. Both web pages show 10 photos with the standard naming pattern eoflamerone . Embedded Java Script reloads web pages every 60 minutes. You can edit web pages as you like and even create websites for multiple WEB Cam systems (just set different templates for photo names). The PHP web page shows some additional information about photo files. It WORKS Even the Rescue PHOTO 0.0 version of the app takes photos from the rear camera and uploads to an FTP server. Going on vacation and leaving your car under the windows? Set up a surveillance system that uploads images every two to three hours and drive safely. You can view the pictures with any browser from your phone. If you notice something unusual - call the police, friends or neighbors and ask them to come up and take a look. Android freeware
This is an application for an old smartphone or tablet that you would like to throw away. Viewing images - in any browser
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